Sound Cities Association receives advocacy award

The Association of Washington Cities recently honored the Sound Cities Association with an Advocacy All-Star Award.

The Association of Washington Cities recently honored the Sound Cities Association with an Advocacy All-Star Award.

The SCA was recognized for its proactive efforts to promote and work to solve a range of city issues at the state, federal, and regional levels. The Valley cities of Snoqualmie, North Bend, Carnation and Duvall are all members of the organization.

SCA President Mayor Nancy Backus accepted the award on behalf of the association and said, “Cities are stronger together, and we only continue to work harder and become stronger.”

The AWC is an Olympia-based organization advocating on behalf of Washington’s 281 cities and towns. The SCA is a regional organization of 27 cities in King County that work together to advocate for member cities and create solutions to shared regional issues.

The AWC Advocacy All-Star Award was established in 2015 to acknowledge city elected officials and groups that publicly advocate for cities and towns in Washington state. Those receiving the award conducted advocacy efforts before and during the recently completed 2016 legislative session.

Efforts by the Sound Cities Association included trips to Olympia to testify at the Legislature, forming or joining coalitions to help mobilize a city cause, contacting local media, and spearheading campaigns to educate area legislators and the public about the importance of a strong city-state partnership.