Elementary schools pursue perfect attendance with school slogans

Snoqualmie Valley School District elementary schools are launching a new attendance initiative this school year.

Snoqualmie Valley School District elementary schools are launching a new attendance initiative this school year.

In an effort to improve overall attendance and reduce tardiness in students, teachers will be taking attendance daily at 9:05 a.m. and, for each day they have perfect attendance, displaying a letter of their school’s 12-letter slogan. Each time the class successfully completes the slogan, they will be recognized for the achievement.

The school slogans are:

• “Cascade Cubs!” for Cascade View Elementary,

• “Falcons Soar!” for Fall City Elementary,

• “Panther Pride” for North Bend,

• “Opstad Otters” for Opstad, and

• “Cougar Pride!” for Snoqualmie.

The first school to achieve the goal of at least one classroom in every grade level, kindergarten through fifth grade, completing the slogan will receive a district “Awesome Attendance Trophy.”

An analysis conducted by Ginsburg, Jordan and Chang (2014) revealed that students who miss more school than their peers consistently score lower on standardized tests. These results held true at every age, in every demographic group, and in every state and city tested.

For more information on attendance and absenteeism, visit http://www.attendanceworks.org.