Letters | Why do we need to change the marriage law?

Same-sex couples already enjoy all the same rights and benefits as married couples in Washington under the domestic partnerships, “Everything But Marriage,” law from 2009. Why do we need to redefine the term marriage that has meant the same for people -a father (a man) and a mother (a woman)- for hundreds of years beyond nation, culture and religion. Would anyone take a "meatloaf" and say, this is now “zucchini bread"?

Same-sex couples already enjoy all the same rights and benefits as married couples in Washington under the domestic partnerships, “Everything But Marriage,” law from 2009.

Why do we need to redefine the term marriage that has meant the same for people -a father (a man) and a mother (a woman)- for hundreds of years beyond nation, culture and religion. Would anyone take a “meatloaf” and say, this is now “zucchini bread”?

Friederike Buczyk

North Bend