Thanks go to Alpine Days Committee

Letter to the Editor.

On behalf of the Special Olympics athletes of Snoqualmie Valley,

their parents, coaches and volunteers, we offer our appreciation to the

Alpine Days Committee for your generous support and new sports jackets.

The jackets feature the Washington State Special Olympic logo on

the front and the Alpine Days logo with the words “Snoqualmie Valley” on

the back. The athletes will be proud to wear them when attending

Special Olympic sports events.

You may be interested to know that over a dozen athletes participate

in seven Special Olympic sports. Athletes of all ages and abilities

participate. They have won medals in regional and state Special Olympic events.

We truly appreciate your support and it gives us great pleasure to

inform the community of your generosity and support for our athletes throughout

the Snoqualmie Valley. We feel fortunate to have the support of the Alpine

Days Committee.

Brenda Galloway

North Bend