Soccer referees greatly appreciated

Letter to the Editor.

I’d like to publicly give thanks to all the referees who volunteered

their time and skills this past soccer season for games in the Snoqualmie

Valley Youth Soccer Association. With teams ranging from the youngest

players under 7 years old to the seasoned teenagers, there are more than 100

games played during the course of the season, all needing referees.

As is the case with any sport, it’s very difficult to get enough

volunteers to make things run smoothly. In the games I watched this season, the

referees did a good job. And there were fewer games without referees than

in the past. As we develop the referee program, we hope to eliminate

“no-show” games and increase the quality of refereeing.

Meanwhile, thanks again to all those who refereed this season.

Your efforts are greatly appreciated.



Vice President, Administration, SVYSA