Schools should promote healthy eating

Letter to the Editor

I have a sixth-grader attending Chief Kanim Middle School. Recently, Chief Kanim participated in a McDonald’s fundraiser. I was very surprised to hear that of all the local food establishments that Chief Kanim could endorse, they chose McDonald’s.

Our public school system encouraging fast food for our kids? Incredible, but not surprising. Knowing that schools are always looking for ways to raise money, McDonald’s presents a seemingly innocuous way to raise money, feed the kids and have some fun along the way. However, rather than blindly serving up a “Full Meal Deal” of fat, sugar and salt, why don’t we present our kids with a real deal food analysis that educates them on the dangers of the fast-food diet:

* The high-fat, low-fiber diet promoted by McDonald’s is linked to serious diseases such as cancer, heart disease, obesity and diabetes.

* Former Surgeon General David Satcher stated that “fast food is a major contributor to the obesity epidemic.”

* 60 percent of all Americans are either overweight or obese.

* Most nutritionists recommend not eating fast food more than once a month.

* Left unabated, obesity will surpass smoking as the leading cause of preventable death in America.

Please reconsider any future promotions of fast-food outlets. Instead, why don’t we bring in a guest chef from a local restaurant to cook up some yummy fall harvest foods from our wonderful local organic farms and have a feast that celebrates locally grown, locally prepared, totally nutritious food.

Bon appetite,

Ross Kilburn

North Bend