Reader searches for history of house

Letter to the Editor.

I am currently working on a historical restoration of an old

Craftsman house in Meadowbrook, built in 1929 by a man named Blaisdell, and

was hoping some of your readers might be able to help me develop a history

of the house or the builder or both.

Several years ago a member of the Blaisdell family approached me at

the Snoqualmie Days parade and told me that the row of houses on Park

Street between Meadowbrook and Mountain earned the builder an award and

recognition in Better Homes and Gardens magazine in the twenties or

thirties. I’ve done a lot of research at Seattle Public Library but have yet to find

the issue.

I was told that Blaisdell built the brick Tudors as well as the brick

businesses on Meadowbrook including the building that today houses the

Harley shop. I think that historical information about this builder and his

contribution to historic buildings in the Meadowbrook area would be an

important legacy to the residents of the city as well as the current owners

of these properties.

I am also interested in learning any history about former owners of

the house itself. It was owned for several years by Henry Sperling, but I was

told that it was owned by a teacher and a bank manager in previous years.

The address used to be 722 Park Street. Printed under the kitchen drawers

are the names Johnson & Blaisdell, so someone named Johnson may

have been the first owner in 1929.

Can anyone help me in my search? I would appreciate any information

or suggestions on where to continue my research. Thanks very much for

your help.

Cathy Reed

(formerly Runkle)

(425) 888-0321, P.O. BoX 1093
