Last week I had a rather disheartening experience when I attended
curriculum night at Snoqualmie Elementary School for my son’s third
grade class. My son’s teacher told us what homework to expect, when to
expect it, what concepts the students would be learning, and what we could do
to help out on the home front. It was a useful, productive evening.
Unfortunately, I was one of only five parents who attended from my son’s class.
The next night was my open house at Cedarcrest High School in
Duvall, where I am an English teacher for ninth and tenth graders. I
discussed what books we would be reading, what kind of homework the students
would be expected to complete, what concepts I would be teaching, and
what parents could do to help their children succeed.
I currently have 92 students enrolled in my three classes. However,
I saw only 16 parents that night.
I know that we are all busy. My husband and I are also busy, as we
both work full-time and juggle appointments, homework, dinner and
laundry along with the rest of the world.
But I also know that our children should be our first priority. I
can’t teach them alone. I need parents to help with homework, with
communication, and by sending the message that school is a priority.
Our children spend almost one-half of their waking hours in
school. Shouldn’t you spend one hour every four months or so to find out
what they’re doing there?
Please, the next time you’re invited to your child’s school, make the
effort to get there. It will make a big difference.
Kit McCormick