Life is good

Record Editorial.

Surprise, surprise. I have nothing controversial to say this week other than this is a great place to live. Last week was the Super Bowl of fall sports and yes, I was in heaven. Never mind that the World Series was happening, or that Michael Jordan (at nearly the same age as myself) was battling on the court. None of that mattered Thursday or Friday night because there was football.

And no, football to me does not mean that wimpy team from Seattle who even the Interlake Saints could beat. It means the two Valley middle schools and the two Valley high schools that were battling it out for their share of the glory.

On Thursday night, two talented groups of eighth-graders from Snoqualmie Middle School and Chief Kanim Middle School played one of the best games of smash-mouth football many parents can remember. I would bet Mount Si’s Coach Charlie Kinnune was salivating a bit, watching and knowing they would all be on his team next year.

Then on Friday night, two teams that were very evenly matched pounded the plastic, with running games by Aaron O’Neal and Patrick Carter proving to be the key to the teams’ offenses. Mount Si ultimately came out on top and grabbed the coveted Snoqualmie Valley Championship trophy.

Looking back across the field at both games, I was glad to see so many people come out and cheer their teams on. But more importantly, I wondered how many of the newer residents of the Valley realize what great sports entertainment they have here at home. There is no need to fight the crowds to enjoy a sporting event or the theater.

Right here at home we have Arts Live, numerous high-school sporting events, a great movie theater and some of the best restaurants around. Take advantage of what the community has to offer and forget driving. It’s all right here.