Gravel mine undesirable

Letter to the Editor.

After attending a public meeting in North Bend to hear comments

and feedback from local citizens concerning the Draft EIS for the

proposed Cadman/Weyerhaeuser Gravel Mine, I am more convinced than ever that

this project should not go forward.

If this project had been started 25 years ago when there was very

little population in the North Bend area it might have been acceptable. But

the North Bend area is no longer an insignificant area with minimal

population. There are now many upscale expensive homes as well as a purchased

future school site adjacent to the proposed mine area. Many people

have moved to the North Bend area in the past few years because they value

the natural beauty, clean air, clean water, the quiet and the relaxed lifestyle.

Because the area is so desirable, property values have soared.

To realize that a large global company could come into an already

established area and negatively impact it in so many ways is unthinkable.

The concerns about noise, dust, water, traffic, aesthetics, and harm to the

natural environment are all very valid, as is the concern over diminished

property values.

This project is not fair to the people of North Bend. I realize the need

for gravel mines, but this is not the right place or the right time for this

project. There must be another feasible location to mine gravel that wouldn’t

have so many adverse effects on an already established, populated area.

Barbara Touchette

North Bend