Column: Where are they now? Update on movies, TV shows filmed in the Valley

Going through our bound copies of the paper here is always fun, but I consider it a luxury that my schedule doesn't allow often. Not that long ago, I even found a little gem on our website, a story from an early Boeing Classic report, with a photo of a young Casey Maralack taking a golf lesson from a visiting pro. If you didn't see it recently, Maralack placed 15th in the state girls golf championships this year, her fourth to compete at the tournament. She's a senior at Mount Si High School.

Going through our bound copies of the paper here is always fun, but I consider it a luxury that my schedule doesn’t allow often. Not that long ago, I even found a little gem on our website, a story from an early Boeing Classic report, with a photo of a young Casey Maralack taking a golf lesson from a visiting pro. If you didn’t see it recently, Maralack placed 15th in the state girls golf championships this year, her fourth to compete at the tournament. She’s a senior at Mount Si High School.

I also came across some old reports of the many movies that have been filmed in our Valley. Remember a couple of years ago when movie stars lurked behind every coffee shop menu?

There was the Viggo Mortensen drama “Captain Fantastic,” in 2014 and “Lucky Them,” starring Toni Collette in 2013, both shot in the Valley. Before that, we had extras in period costume at the Snoqualmie Depot for a few days in 2012, filming the historical “You Can’t Win,” starring Michael Pitt, and before that, the thriller “Mine Games,” set up shop with an ensemble cast in a North Bend home in 2011.

My favorite project of all those shot in the Valley, has to be the small-screen project, filmed mostly in Carnation in January, 2012. That movie is the only one so far that’s had a local screening, and the only one featuring nostalgic celebrities from “Brady Bunch” and “Partridge Family.” It’s “Bigfoot.”

I realize, I’m in the minority for choosing the Syfy campy monster movie over the other television project that’s had people talking for more than a year now, the “Twin Peaks” revival. I can live with that. Those fans will have to wait another six months at least before they can watch their show.

North Bend Mayor Ken Hearing reported at the May 25 Chamber lunch that the third season of “Twin Peaks,” filmed last summer in the Snoqualmie Valley like the original was 20 years ago, was delayed until early 2017.

It got me wondering what ever happened to all those other movies, so here’s a brief update on each of them, with some help from the Internet Movie Database:

“Captain Fantastic” debuted at the Sundance Film Festival in January, and will have a general release July 8;

“Lucky Them” debuted in 2014 at the Tribeca and Nashville Film Festivals in April, and at the Seattle International Film Festival in May;

“You Can’t Win” is scheduled to be released later this year;

“Mine Games” premiered in 2012 at the Melbourne Film Festival and its U.S. release was to DVD, Sept. 16, 2014.

Oh, and “Bigfoot” had its premiere June 30, 2012, and is probably still in reruns.