Be cautious about open space

Letter to the Editor.

I have to agree with the opinions of George Wyrsch and Councilman Jim Gildersleeve in the July 26 Valley Record regarding the Tollgate Farm. All voters and citizens should be very cautious about this open space issue. Open space is an insidious thing. As communist regimes once toppled legitimate governments like dominoes, it will march across our beautiful cities and suburbs laying waste to all the beauty we have created. If left unchecked we will have only prairies, forests and wetlands to view. What will we do if this happens? No longer would we be able to enjoy Taco Bell Express, Kinko’s or futons. Our very American way of life is at stake!

Open space produces no revenue, so its cost is high. One cannot eke out a living from open space. There is no towing to be done, no gasoline to be sold, no insurance to be marketed. What a waste of valuable space. Mr. Wyrsch lamented the loss of 34 homes on 322 acres. Heck, we could easily get 2,576 homes on that land if we put them all on one-eighth acre lots. Now, that is good use of the farm. Think of all the gas and insurance we could sell them!

So, lobby your elected officials, go to those council meetings and inform your friends and neighbors. We cannot allow our way of life to fall to nothing. Bag that open space before it bags us!

Dave Eiffert
