Students help Haiti recovery

Twin Falls students drop $2,100 in change for quake refugees

Moved by the suffering of earthquake-mauled Haiti, Twin Falls Middle School students kicked-off an impromptu fundraiser at the Martin Luther King, Jr., Day assembly last Friday.

Led by art teacher Jim Ullman and ASB representatives Dana Fowler-Linder and Kyle Wallace, students were asked to reach into their pockets to help Haitians following the assembly.

“Kids took out whatever they had, but we told them to keep their lunch money,” Fowler-Linder said.

Joining in on the cause, the school Parent Teacher Association donated all their popcorn sales to Haiti.

“We found that if you push it hard, the motivation is still there,” Fowler-Linder said.

Less than two weeks later, they have doubled their goal and brought in $2,180. Proceeds buy supplies for hygiene kits to be sent to Haiti through Convoy of Hope.

“We found this group and chose them because it gives the students a more hands-on connection,” Fowler-Linder said. A core school group will will seek partners to help aid recovery in Haiti.

Other causes around the district include a dollar drive at Chief Kanim Middle School, a coin drive at North Bend Elementary, a fundraiser by the Mount Si High School Amnesty International Club, class fundraisers at Snoqualmie Middle School and a penny drive at Opstad Elementary.