Rise and shine: Awards banquet returns to Carnation

Too often, volunteer efforts of engaged Valley citizens remain unseen or forgotten. Snoqualmie Valley Community Network’s upcoming Rise and Shine Breakfast is an occasion to recognize the generosity of many eligible volunteers. On Tuesday, June 4, more than 25 Rise & Shine Awards will be given out to individuals and groups of volunteers during a celebration of their efforts, starting at 7 a.m. at the Sno-Valley Senior Center in Carnation. All are welcome to attend.

Too often, volunteer efforts of engaged Valley citizens remain unseen or forgotten. Snoqualmie Valley Community Network’s upcoming Rise and Shine Breakfast is an occasion to recognize the generosity of many eligible volunteers.

On Tuesday, June 4, more than 25 Rise & Shine Awards will be given out to individuals and groups of volunteers during a celebration of their efforts, starting at 7 a.m. at the Sno-Valley Senior Center in Carnation. All are welcome to attend.

Awardees were nominated by close acquaintances such as friends, families, colleagues, and neighbors. A Snoqualmie Valley Community Network Board committee selected final recipients. Guests get a free breakfast prepared by Culinary Arts students. A suggested donation of $5 per breakfast goes to scholarships.

program from Mount Si High School. A suggested donation of $5 per breakfast will support a Prevention Scholarship for graduating seniors in the Snoqualmie Valley.

To register, visit www.riseandshinebreakfast2013.eventbrite.com.

The mission of the Snoqualmie Valley Community Network is building collaboration to inspire action that leads to a caring, resilient Snoqualmie Valley community.