Patrons rediscover North Bend establishment at former bank building
Stopped for refueling at Truck Town in North Bend, trucker Paul Sporcic watched as the dial hit $598. With 116 gallons in his tank, Sporcic shut off the pump and replaced the nozzle after only filling his tank about halfway.
File amended, hearing date bumped for North Bend practitioner’s case
Snoqualmie Valley residents have a chance to get in early on the toot-tooting Thomas the Tank Engine visit to Snoqualmie, set for this July.
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The Spotted Owl folk art gallery in North Bend will hold a series of artistic events and workshops this spring. Events include the following:
Student-led study to culminate in community event
The Raging River Riders are organizing a series of clinics to help Valley riders of all disciplines find harmony in their riding, with help from skilled local instructors.
• Open mic at Isadora’s Books and Cafe, 8062 Railroad Ave. S.E., Snoqualmie, from 7 to 10 p.m. Now serving wine and beer. Call (425) 888-1345 for information.