Locally sourced: Two Rivers students turn to the crowd to fund greenhouse project

Two Rivers School in North Bend has successfully completed its third crowd funding campaign through the donorschoose.org website for student projects.

Two Rivers School in North Bend has successfully completed its third crowd funding campaign through the donorschoose.org website for student projects.

They raised $1,656 for supplies to expand their student garden and greenhouse to teach students about nutrition and healthy food choices.

Laurie Weinkauf, family and consumer science teacher at Two Rivers, said the garden was started two years ago and was supported by grant money. The students used the garden to grow vegetables used for school meals and to donate to the Snoqualmie Valley Food Bank.

“Through the generous donation of many supporters from within and outside of our community, we were able to obtain funding for the green house,” Weinkauf said. “Our plan is to teach students additional gardening skills, increase our school-wide meals, and increase the amount of food we can donate to the food bank.”

Gabby Burrell, a senior at Two Rivers, was familiar with donorschoose.org and worked with Weinkauf to write the funding request.

From there, promotion on Facebook was the quickest and most effective way to get their request out to community members.

“I thought it would be really cool to have a greenhouse,” Burrell said. “It’s really hard to get plants to germinate outside in Washington, so if we had a greenhouse we would have a lot more options for plants that we could grow and we would be able to produce a lot more.”

Donorschoose.org is unlike other crowd funding websites because the money raised doesn’t go to the recipients; instead, the website staff buys items on project lists and sends them to the beneficiaries.

Total funding for the project was reached in only two weeks and was helped by a 50 percent matching grant from ExxonMobil and Think It Up, an initiative of the Entertainment Industry Foundation charity.

With the money raised Two Rivers School received a six-by-eight-foot greenhouse, shelving, a 50-gallon rain barrel, ventilation kits, a shading kit and plant hangers. Weinkauf estimated the greenhouse would be set up in about two weeks. The project website is http://www.donorschoose.org/we-teach/2599085/?historical=true.