Golf great Tom Kite could earn Snoqualmie street name

Pro golfer Tom Kite is the only man to win the Boeing Classic twice. If Kite is able to win the event for a third year, he’ll get more than a trophy and a huge cash prize — he might get a city street named after him.

Pro golfer Tom Kite is the only man to win the Boeing Classic twice. If Kite is able to win the event for a third year, he’ll get more than a trophy and a huge cash prize — he might get a city street named after him.

Snoqualmie Mayor Matt Larson proposed naming a street after Kite if he achieves a third win.

“To me, that would be history,” Larson said.

The city has used historic names and historical figures in naming its streets, but the pot of names is running low on Snoqualmie Ridge, the mayor said. He feels it would be perfectly appropriate to offer Kite the name of a future street.

Typically, street names aren’t a council matter in Snoqualmie. Names are proposed and approved by the planning department — so creating Kite Street would be a simple, internal affair.

Now, all that needs to take place before Kite Street becomes reality is for Kite to threepeat.

“It could happen,” Larson said.