Duvall Cultural Commission starts winter speaker series with stories and songs from Bob Antone

Beat the mid-winter blues with songs and stories from Snoqualmie Valley musician Bob Antone, performing at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 17 at the Duvall Visitor Center 15619 Main St. N.E.

Beat the mid-winter blues with songs and stories from Snoqualmie Valley musician Bob Antone, performing at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 17 at the Duvall Visitor Center 15619 Main St. N.E.

Antone will share historical folk songs such as “Stump Ranches” and “Paddle to Seattle” while playing fiddle, guitar, Native American drum, Irish drum, and musical saw. He will also tell tales about the Snoqualmie Valley and Washington State. He has performed at Duvall’s Heritage Festival and at Seattle’s Northwest Folklife Festival as well as at countless art walks, galleries, and places where folk gather.

Admission to the all-ages event is free; donations are accepted. The event is presented by the Duvall Cultural Commission. More information is at www.duvallculture.org.