Disney, X Games coming to Ridge

If Tanner Jeans were alive today, he’d probably love the thrill of BMX bike jumps.

If Tanner Jeans were alive today, he’d probably love the thrill of BMX bike jumps.

That’s the reasoning behind a dramatic new promotion by the Tanner Jeans Memorial Foundation for its 2009 Bike Safety Rodeo.

Jeans was 7 years old when he died in 2004, in a bicycle accident on Snoqualmie Ridge. The foundation was created that year, to promote bike safety and prevent any child from suffering a similar fate.

Since 2004, the Tanner Jeans Foundation has held annual safety rodeos to show young children safe ways to ride. Now, foundation members feel it’s time to give older children, who are interested in BMX bikes, stunts and racing, a chance to learn responsible ways to ride in more exciting circumstances.

The Foundation is bringing in the Puget Sound Radio Disney channel, AM 1250, to host the 2009 rodeo, planned for 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, June 13, at Community Park. The day will also include X-Games promotions and skateboard and bicycle rider demos.

While the rodeo will continue to build fundamentals for younger riders, the demos and promotions are geared toward teens.

“You’ve got a lot of kids in the neighborhood who are getting older,” said Laurie Gibb, foundation president. “The whole point is that this will show them how to do it properly, versus going out on the trails around here.”

“It’s a way to show the kids, ‘look, professionals are wearing helmets and pads, and are not embarrased to do it.”

Gibbs said Snoqualmie is the smallest city to have purchased the Radio Disney promotion. Because of Radio Disney, the foundation expects as many as 2,000 children at the Ridge event.

“This is going to be quite a show,” said Bob Jeans, Tanner’s grandfather and a foundation member.

“Each year, it seems to grow,” he said. “Each year, it takes on more of a personality.”

One of Tanner Jeans’ classmates will receive a college scholarship from the foundation when he or she graduates in 2015.

Learn more about the Tanner Jeans Memorial Foundation at www.tannerjeans.com.