Bubbles, fun, and big changes: Summer starts in the Valley

Snoqualmie Valley School District students celebrated their last day of school on Friday, June 17 with laughter, tears and, at Opstad Elementary School, a lot of bubbles.

Snoqualmie Valley School District students celebrated their last day of school on Friday, June 17 with laughter, tears and, at Opstad Elementary School, a lot of bubbles.

When the bell rang at 11:55 a.m., students hugged, said good-bye to their teachers and principals, and celebrated the start of summer.

Teachers and volunteers at Opstad held bubble blowers and filled the air with the celebratory soap as children ran to try and pop as many bubbles as they could. The pavement was colorful with chalk art and words of encouragement from parents and teachers.

Pounding down the sidewalk toward their buses, North Bend students Jax Cohen, Michael Hamilton, Adam Skar and Daniel Thimsen whooped and hollered about freedom and being “out of here!”

Joyous as the day was, it was also tearful.

This year’s last day marked the end of a transitional year. With the opening of a new elementary school, Timber Ridge Elementary on Snoqualmie Ridge, next fall, children from several schools will be in the new building.

The students won’t be the only ones moving. Opstad principal Amy Wright will go to Timber Ridge as the principal of the new school.

Todd Sherman, a volunteer working with Opstad teacher Rhonda Mitchell’s fourth grade class, said the day had been emotional for the students and staff moving on.

“It’s the last day and there is a lot of hugs and crying, a lot of emotions,” Sherman said. “and of course Ms. Mitchell is leaving to be one of the teachers going to the new elementary with our principal Amy Wright.”

Sharon Miller, third grade teacher at Opstad, said she spoke with each of her students as they left the school.

“It’s a sweet sadness, it just tugs at your heart because I have such a close attachment the kids,” she said. “It’s just so exciting. The last day of school is such a powerful memory and they have to move on to the next step.”

Just before the bell at North Bend Elementary, Alan and Annie Movitz were dropping off cards and gifts for their two children’s teachers, in thanks and farewell. The family will be moving out of state, they said, but were sad to leave “such an amazing school.”

For more coverage on the last day of school, visit https://flic.kr/s/aHskyG1a4T.