Sweet rides: Hot Rods and Harleys roars to new location for Carnation Fourth

Tom Knebel lounged in a shady spot as folks lined up to take shots of his cherry-red Model T hot rod, lovingly customized over the last three decades. This is his first hot rod; Knebel followed in the footsteps of his father to create the ride, which sports custom-car cartoon character stickers and a “BITE ME” license plate.

Tom Knebel lounged in a shady spot as folks lined up to take shots of his cherry-red Model T hot rod, lovingly customized over the last three decades.

This is his first hot rod; Knebel followed in the footsteps of his father to create the ride, which sports custom-car cartoon character stickers and a “BITE ME” license plate.

“Every time I get it renewed, the women at the licensing department get a pretty big kick out of it,” he said.

What’s it like driving the car? “When it’s like this, it’s the best time in the world,” Knebel said, referring to the sunny day with its rare blue sky.

Knebel was one of dozens of classic car buffs who arrive yearly to the Hot Rods and Harleys show at the Carnation Fourth of July.

This year’s classic car show is Wednesday, July 4, at a new site, the parking lot of Carnation Elementary.

Registration begins at 8 a.m., with judging starting at 10 a.m. and ending at 1:30 p.m. Entry is $20. To learn more or register, visit www.carnation4th.org/events.htm.

Contestants will vie for a number of trophies and unique awards in varied categories.

This year’s major sponsor is McFall Incorporated, a Carnation-based construction company.