SLIDESHOW: Thrifty seniors pass on skills during tough economic times

In today’s tough times, more people are looking for ways to be thrifty and cost-efficient.

But tough times have happened before. Members of the Sno Valley Senior Center in Carnation, who have lived through the Great Depression of the 1930s, recently found a way to share some of the thrifty ways of dealing with a flat economy. The center hosts a program called “Old Skills for a New Time,” classes that teach families and individuals money saving do-it-yourself tricks of the trade.

All ages are welcome. Classes are aimed at families struggling in the current economy and trying to figure out where they can save money. Dinner and low-cost child care is provided.

Recent classes included pie crust making, planting a garden bed, how to store winter produce, how to make soup stocks and stews and how to make simple, low-cost meals.

“Everyone is interested in saving a little bit of money,” said senior Joanne Decker, who taught a pie class.

Listeners of all ages, from seniors to young parents with children, watched as Decker explained that homemade pie crusts aren’t only less expensive than store-bought, but also tastier.

Decker said families enjoy themselves and seem to be getting a lot out of the classes. She hopes they’ve picked up some useful skills.

“The fall, we really leaned towards inside, domestic stuff,” said center Director Amara Oden. “We want to expand to outdoors and basic sewing, canning and preparation for the spring.”

Participants get a feeling of independence, freeing themselves from the whims of the economy, Oden added.

King County Library staff attended each class, bringing materials on the topic being taught. Participants are welcome to check out materials at the end of class.

The program is funded by a grant by the Seattle Foundation. Partners include Sno Valley Tilth, King County Library System and the Lilies of the Garden horticulture club.

The winter/spring session for thrifty-minded classes begins Tuesday, Jan. 19, and runs through April 20.

Sno Valley Senior Center is located at 4610 Stephens Ave. in downtown Carnation

Old Skills, New Time

What: Classes that teach thrifty, domestic-minded skills

When: Jan. 19 through April 20

Where: Sno Valley Senior Center, Carnation

Topics: Composting, raising chickens, cooking, home repair and more.

Info: Call Center Director Amara Oden at (425) 333-4152.