Register now for Festival at Mount Si parade

The Festival at Mount Si's highlight is the Grand Parade, planned for 10:30 a.m. Saturday, August 10, in downtown North Bend. Registration is open for locals, businesses, clubs and election candidates to enter and take part in the parade.

The Festival at Mount Si’s highlight is the Grand Parade, planned for 10:30 a.m. Saturday, August 10, in downtown North Bend.

Registration is open for locals, businesses, clubs and election candidates to enter and take part in the parade.

The deadline for entries in the Festival at Mount Si parade is Saturday, Aug 3.

Businesses are welcome to display their vans and trucks with logos.

Animal entries are welcome, but pet owners need to provide their own clean up.

Each group can perform a routine in front of the Judge’s stand on Main Avenue for one minute. People on floats aren’t supposed to throw candy; But walkers can pass it out by hand.

You can download a registration form pdf at

Or, to learn more, e-mail to

The grand parade is sponsored by Snoqualmie Casino.