Don’t forget: Carnation Senior Center offers free memory screenings, Nov. 19

As part of National Memory Screening Day, an annual initiative of the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America, the Sno-Valley Senior Center will offer free, confidential memory screenings 9 a.m. to noon on Tuesday, Nov. 19. Screenings will be held upstairs at the Senior Center, 4610 Stephens Ave. Carnation.

As part of National Memory Screening Day, an annual initiative of the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America, the Sno-Valley Senior Center will offer free, confidential memory screenings 9 a.m. to noon on Tuesday, Nov. 19. Screenings will be held upstairs at the Senior Center, 4610 Stephens Ave. Carnation.

Qualified healthcare professionals from Snoqualmie Valley Hospital will administer the screenings and provide educational materials about memory concerns, brain health and caregiving. The face-to-face screenings consist of a series of questions and tasks and take about 10 minutes to administer.

The AFA suggests memory screenings for anyone concerned about memory loss or experiencing warning signs of dementia; whose family and friends have noticed changes in them; who believe they are at risk due to a family history of dementia; or who want to see how their memory is now and for future comparisons. Screeners emphasize that results are not a diagnosis, and encourage individuals who score poorly as well as those who still have concerns to pursue a full medical examination. Participants will be given instant results they can take to their health care professional.

Call (425) 333-4152 to reserve a time slot or just come to the center in the morning.