Worth-whiling my time: A poem about picking up litter

So you are retired and live in the Valley, Perhaps picking up litter can be right up your alley?! Walking daily for our health a must, More aerobic exercise will help, we trust.

So you are retired and live in the Valley,

Perhaps picking up litter can be right up your alley?!

Walking daily for our health a must,

More aerobic exercise will help, we trust.

I have found just the ticket for me,

Picking up litter and it is absolutely free.

I have a Labrador dog companion, too, I did train

She fetches plastic bottles on command using her keen canine brain.

All you dog walkers have built-in four-on-the-floor help,

Tell them it is time to walk and you will get an enthusiastic “Let’s work” yelp.

I use a Pik Stik for easy grab and go,

I can pick up a cigarette butt and not even slow.

Here in Snoqualmie Valley one can volunteer for the Forest service, Cedar River Watershed Education Center, King County Parks and Recreation, or DNR,

All this outdoor fun with little use of your car.

Folks, all you need to have with you is a plastic bag to carry out trash,

This requires little or no out lay of cash.

I know there are others out doing what I do,

So I ask, why not you, too?

Pick a route you frequently trek whether road, trail or walking path,

It won’t take many to keep our Valley beautiful, free of litter, you do the math.

I will keep my eyes out to greet you who join me in this exercise plan,

Worthwhile your time, I know more of you can!

Steven Thomas/Litterman

North Bend