Letters | Who hunts with a bazooka?

I am writing this e-mail in reference to your September 14 edition. As I was reading the issue, I turned to page four and read the cartoon; the one asking, “Which natural predator poses the greatest danger to wildlife?” Being an avid hunter for many years, I was very offended by this. I can assure you that neither I nor anyone else I know resembles the heathen in your cartoon.

I am writing this e-mail in reference to your September 14 edition. As I was reading the issue, I turned to page four and read the cartoon; the one asking, “Which natural predator poses the greatest danger to wildlife?”

Being an avid hunter for many years, I was very offended by this. I can assure you that neither I nor anyone else I know resembles the heathen in your cartoon.

What statement are you trying to make? There is nothing in your paper to explain your point of view. I double-checked in the fish and game regulation manual, and nowhere in there does it allow hunting with a bazooka.

Before such a damaging accusation is made, some research should be done. Then you would know how the wolf population decimates elk and deer herds all over the country.  You would see that because of the funds contributed by hunters to the state’s Fish & Wildlife Department (through the purchase of hunting tags) and due to ethical hunting practices, the deer and elk populations of our area have grown significantly.

Jerry Tomlinson

North Bend