Letters| Who doesn’t want better education? Support for Spring

In a conversation last week, I asked the question, “Who doesn’t want much better education for our kids?” One response: “I know people who are satisfied with the way it is now, or whose kids are graduated and don’t care anymore, or who don’t expect a return on district investment with the present administration and school board.”

In a conversation last week, I asked the question, “Who doesn’t want much better education for our kids?” One response: “I know people who are satisfied with the way it is now, or whose kids are graduated and don’t care anymore, or who don’t expect a return on district investment with the present administration and school board.”

Although I have occasionally heard this, I expected it, given the sheer numbers of people I discuss our schools with. I did not expect a full-time working parent with much less opportunity to engage in such conversations with others to hear this from others. Is this an indicator of a significant growing sentiment? Or an isolated small minority of voters and taxpayers? I think it’s time to ask: Do you wish to see improved, relevant, competitive education for our public school kids, even with the limited funds we have?

There have been improvements within our school district over the 17 years I’ve lived here. Sadly, the pace of such improvements has been inadequate for us to keep up with foreign nations pushing the USA further down the ranking list every year. We need to not only continue improvements but do so more cost-efficiently and with a pace that enables our kids to ultimately compete for good jobs and become better voting citizens. You can help with this.

Please vote for David Spring on the ballot you just received. In working with him on important school matters, I’ve found him to be smart, dedicated, detail-oriented, and educated with a focus on child development. Most importantly, better experience than his opponent, in business, teaching at Bellevue College, pursuing education funding, and developing solutions. Unlike other past and present school board directors here, David will actually instigate board discussion on blocking issues, invest time outside of meetings, come prepared with solution ideas, and further the upgrade of our school board that voters began two years ago. We should all expect excellence in our school board directors and elect those who favor the greatest return on our tax dollars.

Continue the upgrade of our school board this week and return your ballot by November 5.

Stephen Kangas

North Bend