Letters | We need input on North Bend’s new hotel

I’m glad to hear Mayor Ken Hearing say, “It will be done right or it won’t be done at all,” regarding the possible two new hotels slated for North Bend. One of the hotels that might be built would be a Holiday Inn Express. That’s fine, but if the hotel look-and-feel mirrors that of all the other Holiday Inn Express properties that are out there, this one will stick out like a sore thumb. Our views in North Bend are too majestic to have a bright green logo shining bright over the 1-90 at exit 31.

I’m glad to hear Mayor Ken Hearing say, “It will be done right or it won’t be done at all,” regarding the possible two new hotels slated for North Bend.

One of the hotels that might be built would be a Holiday Inn Express. That’s fine, but if the hotel look-and-feel mirrors that of all the other Holiday Inn Express properties that are out there, this one will stick out like a sore thumb. Our views in North Bend are too majestic to have a bright green logo shining bright over the 1-90 at exit 31.

I hope we residents have plenty of opportunities to offer our input regarding these two properties so we can be sure they “fit” here in the Valley correctly. Anything short of that should be adamantly denied by the city council.

Brian Murphy

North Bend