Letters | The Valley is no place for prejudice

I was saddened to read that our Snoqualmie Ridge neighbors are fearful of affordable housing coming to their neighborhood. I’d like to remind them that North Bend, Snoqualmie and Fall City are filled with working people, many of them low-income families. They were here when the Ridge was filled with trees and wildlife. Just because a person can afford a $500,000 house does not make them any better than a person who can’t.

I was saddened to read that our Snoqualmie Ridge neighbors are fearful of affordable housing coming to their neighborhood.

I’d like to remind them that North Bend, Snoqualmie and Fall City are filled with working people, many of them low-income families. They were here when the Ridge was filled with trees and wildlife. Just because a person can afford a $500,000 house does not make them any better than a person who can’t. What’s “improper” is the rest of us having to listen to the snobbery of people who for some reason think they are better than others.

Lots of people pull their bootstraps up and work for their families, but this does not give them the right to look down on everyone else. Prejudice has no place in our community.

S. Durrell

North Bend