Letters | Tell us why we need a hospital

I’m curious as to the reasons why another hospital is proposed for the city of Snoqualmie, when the citizens voted against it (A property tax levy that would, in part, have funded a new hospital, failed with 31 percent approval in 2007). Why are we getting another hospital when Swedish is 15 minutes away? This new Swedish campus is located in a more densely populated area and it is struggling financially, according to a regional newspaper.

I’m curious as to the reasons why another hospital is proposed for the city of Snoqualmie, when the citizens voted against it (A property tax levy that would, in part, have funded a new hospital, failed with 31 percent approval in 2007).

Why are we getting another hospital when Swedish is 15 minutes away? This new Swedish campus is located in a more densely populated area and it is struggling financially, according to a regional newspaper.

Managers there are questioning why more thought wasn’t given to the decision to build there in this recession. The only time a hospital in Snoqualmie did a booming business was in the 1950s and ‘60s, when we had an active timber industry and Interstate 90 was only two lanes. Can someone explain this to me?

Lois Nicholas
