Letters | Minister: Congregations are rising to faith-full courage

I appreciate recent coverage that encourages respectful dialogue concerning the lives and rights of people with minority sexual identities. It’s especially notable to me how spiritually faithful people can reach such different conclusions in this arena.

I appreciate recent coverage that encourages respectful dialogue concerning the lives and rights of people with minority sexual identities.

It’s especially notable to me how spiritually faithful people can reach such different conclusions in this arena.

My own thrilling years as a follower of Jesus and student of the Bible have broadened my perspective and inspired a commitment to radical inclusiveness. As a United Methodist pastor, I’m so sorry that “Church” on the whole has a reputation for judging and excluding rather than embracing and affirming homosexual disciples. What a loss for those of us in the mainstream pew.

I’m grateful for a number of congregations across many denominations who transcend that reputation, and I’m heartened by the faith-full courage of those of every stripe who dare to become who they fully are.

Lee Carney Hartman

North Bend