Letters | Marriage referendum promotes freedom and families

We find the well-funded opposition to Referendum 74, which allows marriage to all, very disturbing and surprising. It is difficult to understand how the commitment and love of one human being for another is a threat to anyone. After over 35 years of marriage, we appreciate the value of a committed marriage and it would be very selfish and foolish of us to deny that opportunity to other citizens. R-74 promotes freedom, family, opportunity and equality, all core American (Republican and Democratic) values.

We find the well-funded opposition to Referendum 74, which allows marriage to all, very disturbing and surprising. It is difficult to understand how the commitment and love of one human being for another is a threat to anyone.

After over 35 years of marriage, we appreciate the value of a committed marriage and it would be very selfish and foolish of us to deny that opportunity to other citizens. R-74 promotes freedom, family, opportunity and equality, all core American (Republican and Democratic) values.

Please join us in voting to approve Referendum-74.

Barry and Patty Johnson
