Letters | Helping stamp out hunger in Fall City

The Fall City Community Food Pantry wishes to express its gratitude to the staff of the Fall City Post Office for their participation in the 2012 “Stamp Out Hunger” food drive. We truly appreciate the efforts of all the letter carriers; and we particularly want to thank Ralph Westermann for his time, effort and dedication to this annual charitable cause.

The Fall City Community Food Pantry wishes to express its gratitude to the staff of the Fall City Post Office for their participation in the 2012 “Stamp Out Hunger” food drive. We truly appreciate the efforts of all the letter carriers; and we particularly want to thank Ralph Westermann for his time, effort and dedication to this annual charitable cause.

The Food Pantry has received food through the “Stamp Out Hunger Drive” since 2008, and this year more than 1,200 pounds of food—the most ever—were delivered to the Food Pantry. This makes an enormous difference in the amount of food we are able to provide to people in Fall City and the surrounding Valley communities.

The need in our Valley is great and growing. Last year, we assisted more than 220 families with food and household items. This number will be surpassed in 2012, judging by how many new families have signed up for assistance from the Food Pantry.

We would also like to thank the people of Fall City for their overwhelming and generous response to this appeal and to other food drives during the year. To the Boy Scouts, middle and high school groups, other community organizations and cash contributors, we extend our deepest gratitude. We could not help our neighbors to this extent without you!

In closing, we wish to heartily acknowledge the countless hours of service put in by our wonderful volunteers who serve on the board, keep the books, watch for sales, purchase food and household items in bulk, pick up donations from Northwest Harvest in Kent, carry heavy boxes and crates up and down the stairs, sort food, restock the shelves, staff the Food Pantry on distribution days and prepare the nutritious lunch that is served when we are open. Thank you ,one and all!

Richard Terbrueggen

Fall City Food Pantry Co-Chair