Letters | Good Samaritans helped in fatal North Bend accident

I was very saddened to hear that Dale from North Bend had died last Friday evening, from injuries sustained in the I-90 auto accident, earlier in the afternoon. I was one of the several motorists who stopped to assist Dale before the medics arrived, some time later. I wanted to send a shout out to those non-professional rescuers who ignored their natural aversion to blood and limited disaster training and stopped to help someone they didn’t know.

I was very saddened to hear that Dale from North Bend had died last Friday evening, from injuries sustained in the I-90 auto accident, earlier in the afternoon.

I was one of the several motorists who stopped to assist Dale before the medics arrived, some time later. I wanted to send a shout out to those non-professional rescuers who ignored their natural aversion to blood and limited disaster training and stopped to help someone they didn’t know.

Whether it involved extricating the victim from the wreckage, securing his truck from fire, directing traffic, contacting medics, and of course spelling one another trying feverishly to revive the victim, everyone put their own schedules (including an airline flight) on hold to work together to give the victim a fighting chance.

If I ever have to endure what Dale went through, I could ask for no better  than to have the benevolent Good Samaritans I saw on Friday, by my side. My heart-felt condolences go out to Dale’s family.

Mark Dilger

North Bend