Letters | Attend Valley hospital meetings, ask questions

For 25 years, I’ve watched the Snoqualmie Valley Hospital stumble and stagger along. Now, believe it or not, the hospital commissioners have figured out the problem! We need a new hospital! Who knew it was that simple?

For 25 years, I’ve watched the Snoqualmie Valley Hospital stumble and stagger along. Always broke. Closing their doors on three separate occasions for lack of funds. Firing the doctors and closing the surgery department. Finally, selling the hospital building to the Snoqualmie Tribe and leasing it back. Always supported by our property tax dollars.

Now, believe it or not, the hospital commissioners have figured out the problem! We need a new hospital! Who knew it was that simple? Of course, there are always a few naysayers in the community.But, no worries! The commissioners will take care of us. Not many knew about the plans.

Perhaps that’s the reason the papers with the contractor was signed at 7:30 in the morning last week, with little fanfare. Strange how that worked out. Now we’re on the hook for thirty million bucks.

I don’t remember them asking the community for approval or even an invitation to the big event.

I would encourage all to attend the monthly commissioners meeting, open to the public.  Public comment is allowed. You might ask a few questions. I would like to know who was fired after signing a contract with Leisure Time Resort. A contract they couldn’t get out of that cost the district seven million dollars. Oh, yeah. I forget. They don’t answer questions.

Herschel Backues

North Bend