Letters | Amazed by customer service by Snoqualmie’s Elizabeth Gildersleeve

About three years ago, I moved from Issaquah to the Snoqualmie Valley. When I bought my house, I was told there is a requirement for flood insurance. At the 11th hour, my agent found an out-of-town company to cover the necessary policy. By mistake, I was charged the wrong rate, more than double what my neighbors were paying. Every time I talked to my agent, I was told this was the correct amount.

About three years ago, I moved from Issaquah to the Snoqualmie Valley. When I bought my house, I was told there is a requirement for flood insurance. At the 11th hour, my agent found an out-of-town company to cover the necessary policy. By mistake, I was charged the wrong rate, more than double what my neighbors were paying. Every time I talked to my agent, I was told this was the correct amount.

Finally, someone recommended I talk to Elizabeth Gildersleeve at Farmers Insurance in Snoqualmie. I didn’t know if Elizabeth could help me, since she is not my agent. Not only was she willing to help me, she recognized right away that I was being charged the incorrect rate. She walked me through the process. Over the last few months, I have stopped in at her office, without an appointment, and when she could, she gave me immediate assistance.

It has been a nightmare dealing with my mortgage company, getting them to lower my statements. I have been frustrated beyond description. Yet, Elizabeth has continually been professional, concise and determined to resolve the issue. What a jewel to find in the little city of Snoqualmie.

Colleen Devine
