Letter: Trump has betrayed American workers

When President Trump said the system is rigged against American workers, he was exactly right.

In 2010, one of the worst mining disasters in our history, an explosion in the Upper Big Branch Mine April 5, killed 29 miners. This West Virginia mine, run by multimillionaire CEO Don Blankenship, had previously been charged with numerous safety violations that contributed to the disaster.

In 2016, Mr. Blankenship was convicted for flouting safety standards and was sentenced to just one year in jail.

Now, Trump supports the congressional action earlier this month to overturn the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Order. Dave Reichert was one of the “aye” votes for HJ Res 37, (“Disapproving a rule submitted by the Department of Defense, the General Services Administration and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration”).

This order required companies bidding for federal contracts to report whether they have violated any federal rules concerning fair pay, worker safety, etc. The purpose is to give companies a chance to get into compliance before bidding.

Is this what Trump means by cutting “burdensome” regulation? Is it too burdensome to ask employers to provide a safe workplace? Is Trump trying to kill us?

Now I read Trump just signed legislation permitting the coal industry to dump mining waste in streams and rivers (undoing the Office of Surface Mining’s Stream Protection Rule). We did not vote to poison our water. Is Trump also trying to kill our young children and senior relatives?

President Trump, you have betrayed American workers!

Peter D. Bullard
