Letter | Roberts has needed approach for hospital board

I strongly encourage the residents of the Snoqualmie Valley Hospital District to vote to retain Ryan Roberts as a commissioner. Ryan brings a rational voice to the discussion emphasizing fiscal accountability, high quality healthcare delivery and expanded service offerings that address the changing needs of the Snoqualmie Valley. Being pragmatic yet visionary, his constructive approach to his role as a commissioner is refreshing and needed.

I strongly encourage the residents of the Snoqualmie Valley Hospital District to vote to retain Ryan Roberts as a commissioner. Ryan brings a rational voice to the discussion emphasizing fiscal accountability, high quality healthcare delivery and expanded service offerings that address the changing needs of the Snoqualmie Valley. Being pragmatic yet visionary, his constructive approach to his role as a commissioner is refreshing and needed.

Ryan understands the risks and business issues the Hospital District is faced with. We are at a critical juncture regarding the future of the hospital. Ryan’s professionalism and integrity is of paramount importance on the commission to ensure the long-term viability of this valuable asset.

Please join me in support of the election of Ryan Roberts for hospital commissioner.

Steve Weaver

North Bend