Letter | Police leadership is to blame

I feel compelled to comment on the Snoqualmie Police officer placed on administrative leave, because of my family’s past dealing with the department, in reference to my speech at the North Bend City Council meeting March 17, which is now on audio on the city’s website.

I feel compelled to comment on the Snoqualmie Police officer placed on administrative leave,  because of my family’s past dealing with the department, in reference to my speech at the North Bend City Council meeting March 17, which is now on audio on the city’s website.

I commend Officer Hogan on his anti-drug views, but the allegations of his brutal tactics are the type of actions and attitude that this community can’t abide. This community does not need that type of officer.

It seems all the signs of the officer’s past (at the Tukwila Police Department) were ignored. The Snoqualmie Police leadership ignored common sense and took the wrong path. Once again the department leadership failed.

A citizens review board or oversight committee like suggested earlier by Stephen Matlock may be what this community needs.

Donald R. Buzzell

North Bend