Letter | Law will only endanger teens

Regarding ‘Serving alcohol to minors is not cool’, (Aug. 19 issue) I will be writing in again next time the police are peeling some teen off the tree they wrapped their car around because they were drunk, and not in a safe environment.

Regarding ‘Serving alcohol to minors is not cool’, (Aug. 19 issue) I will be writing in again next time the police are peeling some teen off the tree they wrapped their car around because they were drunk, and not in a safe environment.

Saying ‘they are breaking very important laws’ is a disservice to the community. A dead teen is a bigger liability than a drunk teen, passed out in their own bed.

Some teens will drink. They always have. They always will. By penalizing the people who are trying to let kids be kids—safely—we are killing kids.

As a teenager, I used to party in an abandoned lot. I was arrested at 17 for smoking pot and started life with a criminal record. My friends died in car crashes.

Next time I write it will be to say ‘Thanks, Police, for trying to monetize a stupid, destructive law.’

David Cooke,
