Letter | Don’t encourage discrimination

Representative Jay Rodne posted on his Facebook page that President Obama “wants to import 1.5 million Muslims into the U.S.,” that “Islam is incompatible with western civilization,” and he called them “barbarians.” He also encouraged Americans to arm themselves. This is wrong on so many levels.

Representative Jay Rodne posted on his Facebook page that President Obama “wants to import 1.5 million Muslims into the U.S.,” that “Islam is incompatible with western civilization,” and he called them “barbarians.” He also encouraged Americans to arm themselves. This is wrong on so many levels.

The purpose of terrorism is to instill fear. This can be done with words as well as with guns and bombs. Rep. Rodne is spreading terror and fear within his district. This only aids and abets ISIL’s goals.

His bigoted comments about Muslims encourage discrimination, violence and hostility. Such claims associate 1.7 billion Muslims with the actions of an extremely small percentage. Does he seriously believe that Muslims are barbarians? Such language is a disservice to those of us who placed him in office.

Finally, his statement that Americans should arm themselves is pure insanity. As it is, there are more than 100,000 people shot in the U.S. annually, far more than have been killed or injured at the hands of foreign terrorists. To encourage people to further “arm themselves” will only result in additional carnage without any positive result.

I do not condone violence or terrorism (including fear mongering) in any form. However, I am now motivated to work tirelessly to prevent Rep. Rodne’s re-election.

Dan Olah

North Bend