When things go wrong, as they sometimes do in life, we rely on the professional and rapid response of the firefighters of Eastside Fire and Rescue.
For the past seven decades, these dedicated people have worked out of the North Bend Fire Station. Since 1990, they have lived there while on duty. The original building, built in 1941, was not meant to house professional firefighters or the equipment necessary to protect our families and community. The current building is entirely inadequate. It is too small and its age and poor condition fail to provide for the most basic and necessary needs of the crew and equipment. There is not adequate space to work on equipment which is important to assure reliability and protect the considerable investment. The sleeping/living areas are not adequate. The building is structurally unsafe, may not survive an earthquake and does not meet current code. An ongoing rat infestation requires costly extermination, a malfunctioning sewer service backs up into work areas and the roof leaks. There is asbestos throughout the building. The electrical system is underpowered and the building lies within the flood plain, which could strand crews in times when they are most needed.
We require our firefighters to be responsive on a moment’s notice to save human lives and protect property. They should not be required to work and live in the sub-standard conditions that exist today at the North Bend Fire Station.
Voting ‘yes’ on the North Bend Proposition 1 fire station construction bonds on February 8 will approve construction of a new fire station to serve the needs of our community for the next 50 years. At a cost of approximately 19 cents per $1,000 of assessed value, the owner of a home assessed at $350,000 would pay an additional $66.50 a year, or $5.55 per month.
A new station will provide decent, safe, sanitary and necessary facilities to sustain the professionals we depend on at the most critical times of our lives. They are depending on us to provide this support, and after 70 years, it is time.
Jeri Cranney
North Bend