Hospital issues: Why the expense for same number of beds?

The president of King County Hospital District No. 4 attempted, once again, to explain why the district needs a new hospital. Using the same old, tired, arguments, to justify the $100 million dollar expense. “Patient volumes have increased to the point that we are bursting at the seams.” The old hospital, that is bursting at the seams, has 25 beds. The new hospital will have 25 beds.

The president of King County Hospital District No. 4 attempted, once again, to explain why the district needs a new hospital. Using the same old, tired, arguments, to justify the $100 million dollar expense. “Patient volumes have increased to the point that we are bursting at the seams.” The old hospital, that is bursting at the seams, has 25 beds. The new hospital will have 25 beds.

For clarification, the new hospital will be purchased on a lease purchase contract at approximately $300,000 dollars per month. That’s $3,600,000 per year for 30 years. That’s over $100 million for a small 25-bed hospital.

With all the services that the district provides, the old hospital has proved more than adequate. So why the need? Why the $100 million debt? Simple. They gave away the old hospital for 50 cents on the dollar. They don’t own it anymore. Why sell in the first place? In my opinion, they were broke and needed the money. The hospital’s finances are as clear as mud.

I think it’s time to turn this ‘public hospital’ into a private, for-profit hospital. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of my taxes going to support a financial playpen for the commissioners and the administrator.

Herschel Backues

North Bend