Big box stores will kill Snoqualmie Valley character

Mr. Eric Yotz’s letter on big box stores is exactly right! The character of our Valley towns will die if we kowtow to the lust for Chinese crap.

Mr. Eric Yotz’s letter on big box stores is exactly right! The character of our Valley towns will die if we kowtow to the lust for Chinese crap.

I personally try to spend my money with local merchants. I know a pay a premium to do this, but the alternative of Aurora-like development is a scary thought.

For those who feel that Walmart is looking out for their interests, should, as Mr. Yotz suggests, move to Covington, or Kent, or Lynnwood, or Federal Way, or Burien. That way, as they look out their front doors and see nothing but neon, trash, traffic, and ugly development can be happy that they saved $1.13 on their plastic containers to store all their treasures.

Beyer Buman

North Bend