Yankees are Little League champs

The 2005 Yankees won the Snoqualmie Valley Little League Babes division in a three hour thriller over the Athletics recently. The Yankees coaching staff includes Scott Kosinski, William Robey, Dave Grice, head coach Terry Young and John Mundel.
The 2005 Yankees, left to right: Aaron Robey, Sam Hruska, Miles Shimchick, James Grice, Ryan Young, Nick Kosinski, Deven Lalgee, J.T. Hartman, Alex Fair, Noah Hoover, Carl Lindberg, Ross Pearson and Phoenix Moomaw.
The 2005 Athletics are, left ro right, Matthew Devore, Jacob Pinkston, Alex Adams, Darren Breshears, Mason Fode, Brady Brinkman,Caleb Mitchell, Mark Farmer, Joshua Houser, Sam Luna and Angus Smith. Not pictured is Tyler Shaw.

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