Poker ride to benefit Carnation’s horse-rescuing drill team

Valley-based Cowgirl Spirit Drill Team hosts its third annual benefit Poker Ride and Walk on Saturday, April 13, at Bridle Trails State Park in Kirkland. Aside from the ride, the event will also include a tack sale, lunch for $5, a raffle with horse-related and non-horse-related prizes ($1 per ticket, 6 tickets for $5 – winners need not be present at time of drawing), and fun and exciting entertainment throughout the day. Cowgirl Spirit’s mission is to rescue, rehabilitate and retrain horses in need; and educate the community to prevent cruelty, neglect, and inhumane slaughter of horses.

Valley-based Cowgirl Spirit Drill Team hosts its third annual benefit Poker Ride and Walk on Saturday, April 13, at Bridle Trails State Park in Kirkland.

Aside from the ride, the event will also include a tack sale, lunch for $5, a raffle with horse-related and non-horse-related prizes ($1 per ticket, 6 tickets for $5 – winners need not be present at time of drawing), and fun and exciting entertainment throughout the day.

Visit to register.

Cowgirl Spirit’s mission is to rescue, rehabilitate and retrain horses in need; and educate the community to prevent cruelty, neglect, and inhumane slaughter of horses.

The cost to attend this event is $35 per horse/rider pair, and $25 per walker. There is no cost to come to the event and watch the entertainment. All proceeds go to the care, feeding, and training of the rescue horses of Cowgirl Spirit. Since 2005, this nonprofit organization has rescued, rehabbed, and adopted out over fifty horses.

This is one of the group’s largest fundraisers of the year. “Ghost Riders” are also welcome – register for the event even if you can’t ride or walk, or in honor of another rider or walker.

To attend the ride, you may pre-register on Because of limited space at Bridle Trails, the event is limited to 60 horses and 50 walkers. Registration fee includes a State Park parking pass, one poker hand ($5 per additional hand), free coffee before the ride, and entertainment in the main arena all day long. Register with payment before April 1 to receive a free commemorative tee shirt.