Writer responds to December editorial

Letter to the Editor.

While reading your recent editorial (Council turns deaf ear to

business owner, 12/30/99) I was reminded of the North Bend Christmas party

when Mayor Joan, who was leading the singing, said to the group, “we may not

be good, but we’re loud!”

I won’t debate you over the merits of the council’s decision. If

anyone wants to learn about it, they have only to review the council meeting

videotape or, better still, drive by the property in question and take a look

for themselves. Rather, your editorial raised two new concerns I’d like

to bring to your attention.

Your editorial accuses the council of making a decision “without all

the information necessary to make an informed decision,” yet in reference

to yourself, you write, “I don’t fully understand the complete issue but

intend to thoroughly review it over the next few weeks.” Isn’t this a bit like the

pot calling the kettle black? Perhaps your review should have taken place

before you wrote the editorial. When a person buys ink by the barrel and

paper by the ton, they don’t have to be good. After all, they’re loud.

Next you say, “The vote in itself can be considered irresponsible and

a slap in the face to local business owners.” What does the fact that this

individual is a business owner have to do with the fact that his property is out

of compliance with city codes? If the person in question were an

African-American, would you accuse the council of being racist? I’m sure that

responsible business owners regret the connection you made between

them and the situation in question.

Ed Carlson

North Bend City Council