Writer rebuts letter sent in last week

Letter to the Editor

The Sept. 2 letter to the editor by Cheryl McDonald continues

the negative, misleading and malicious statements used by Dave

Irons Jr. and his supporters in an attempt to discredit

Councilman Brian Derdowski. Before accepting these statements,

look at the facts.

Roads – With the rapid growth of recent years, of

course traffic is worse. But Councilman Derdowski votes against

developments that don’t meet traffic standards and has delivered

35% of the county’s road budget to our district.

Rural Lifestyle – Rapid development is eroding the

rural lifestyle, but Councilman Derdowski’s opposition to bad

developments has limited the erosion.

Schools – Contrary to the contentions, Councilman

Derdowski has supported all school levies. In addition, he

sponsored a study that showed that it would be practical to

obtain more school money from higher new development impact fees.

Phone Calls – Yes, Councilman Derdowski does answer

phone calls, but, with the volume of calls he receives due to his

known effectiveness, there are often delays as he answers his

previous calls.

Taxes _ During Councilman Derdowski’s term in office,

the county property tax rate has gone down. During Dave Irons

Jr.’s term on the school board, Issaquah School District property

tax rate has gone up. In addition, Councilman Derdowski has

assisted many people with their tax appeals.

The FBI “Investigation” – Apparently a

politically motivated accusation was made to the FBI. The

accusation involved alleged pressure by Councilman Derdowski to

pressure the Issaquah School District into hiring his wife (who

is perfectly content in her job with the Kent School District).

After an initial look at the allegations, the FBI determined the

complaint had no merit.

Yard Signs – If the Derdowski yard signs are so bad,

why is Dave Irons Jr. copying them?

After wading through all the Irons’ propaganda, I have failed

to find one concrete idea of what he would do on the council.

Stay with the proven record of Councilman Derdowski’s
