Writer contemplates another marathon

A look at Snoqualmie life through the eyes of a local.

Time flies when you’re having fun, which must be the reason it

doesn’t seem like it should be June already. June 19 will be the last day of

school for grades 6-12, and June 20 is the last day for grades K-5, just in time

for the first day of summer on June 21.

Father’s Day is Sunday, June 18, so start planning something special

for Dad now. Brandon and I decided to make a photo album of pictures of

him and Brian for Brian’s Father’s Day present. Brian hasn’t taken many

pictures of Brandon so I decided to take a bunch and get some older ones

from his family because those pictures will be something for him to always

treasure. So if you have a Dad that doesn’t need much, mow his lawn, wash

his car, wax his airplane or something along those lines that has much

more meaning.


I am being totally tortured now. I am baby-sitting Cat Ballou (Dad’s

cat) while they are out of town and she is very demanding. She gets lonely so

I go over in the evening to love her up and have to listen to Sparky cry at

the door for his Donna to come home. Between the two of them, they

can wear a person down.


A bad case of laziness has settled in since doing the marathon in

March. A few pounds have come on and I can’t seem to get back into a

regular walking routine. The only thing saving me from totally vegging out is

all the shoveling and work I am helping Brian do on his property, plus

playing baseball, basketball, soccer and badminton with Brandon. We are in

the process of doing a major garden so my arms have developed strength but

by stomach needs a major shrink job.

So being the glutton for punishment that I am, I have signed up

to walk in the Seattle Marathon in November. I found a group to train

with for 24 weeks starting on June 10, which gets us ready to do the

marathon. I like the idea of getting back into the exercise routine but hope

this time I have better luck with blisters, etc. There is no fund raising

involved with this, so that part won’t be taking up my time. I’ll be curious to see

how different doing a marathon in Seattle in November is compared to doing

one in Maui in March.


Corny joke of the week: Why did the chicken lift weights? She

needed eggs-cercise.


With summer comes kiddie pools. To prevent the little ones from

slipping in the pool, stick non-stick bathtub decals in fun shapes and colors

on the floor of the pool before filling it.


“The best blush to use is laughter. It puts roses in your cheeks and in

your soul.”


It happened this week: Gene Kelly starred in “Singing in the

Rain” in 1952; “Superman” was

published in 1938 _ inspired by a dream creator Jerry Siegel had about the

baby Moses; the first taxis arrived in New York City in 1907 from Paris; and

Evel Knievel zoomed over 16 cars in a row with his motorcycle in 1967.


Little neighbor Lucy has got one heck of a garden growing. She

has definitely inherited her mom’s green thumb. I feel ashamed of my little

tiny flowerbed when I see the fantastic things they have done with their yard.


Iced tea tastes great. To keep it chilled without that

watered-down taste, pour some of your iced tea in

an ice-cube tray and freeze it. Then use the ice cubes to cool off your iced tea.


Sparky has developed a fondness for barbecued pork. I decided to

buy myself a little package and he ended up with most of it and then

proceeded to lick my fingers and cried and cried for more. I was not about to get out

of my pajamas to run to the store to get him more.

At one time he liked brussels sprouts. Mom and Dad had a cat

that liked the pimento from stuffed olives. Sparky likes potato chips and

saltine crackers. I swear he hears the crunching from a mile away. I also

noticed that old cats’ food tastes change dramatically. I think their bodies

must crave certain things in their geriatric days. Cat Ballou likes her

butter melted and also wants to eat ashes from the fireplace.


When I saw Roy this morning, he was telling me about the mass

poppy blooming going on, on the ridge. He has been pestering me to get back

into my walking routine. The thought of seeing that luscious row of

poppies just might get me out of bed tomorrow morning.

Please submit items for the Snoqualmie News Notes to

Donna, P.O. Box 604,

Snoqualmie, WA 98065

or e-mail Ballou1@earthlink. net.