Valley candidates deserve credit

Record Editorial

The elections are over and about everyone I know is thankful some of the nastiest local politicking in history is done. The dirty jabs weren’t just in North Bend, though. There were some incredible shots coming from Snoqualmie City Council candidates as well. Both races were filled with innuendoes and half-truths, with no candidate being spared.

My hat goes off to all the candidates who endured this election. Your perseverance through the last two months demonstrates that you are all equally capable of handling the toughest situations. It was great to see so many highly-qualified and motivated candidates willing to put their name and values to the test. I only hope that future elections will provide the same opportunities for voters and that potential candidates will not shy away from the races due to the garbage that this pool of candidates had to endure.

But with the last counting of votes comes hope that we can get back to a strong sense of community. Building bridges between the elected candidates will be important. Talking openly about their differences will also be important. Lackluster elections in the past have given way to real interest – a noted positive among many Valley residents. I think all the candidates are more keenly aware of the issues than ever before.

Those who may have lost the election also might be great candidates for future growth on both the Snoqualmie and North Bend city councils. As resident numbers climb, both cities will have to grow to seven-member councils, providing more opportunities for potential candidates.

Honest communication will be the key to building two desirable communities. We, as residents, need to feel comfortable sharing ideas, concerns and voicing our opinions openly, although not in an anonymous fashion. Those who really believe in something don’t hide when confronted, they take an open stand despite the potential consequences. Those who hide behind anonymity are likely less concerned about our community as a whole and more concerned about themselves.

Let’s get both councils together and openly discuss the future of these two great communities. Put down your differences for a bit and try to understand from where the others might be coming. Anonymity doesn’t really work here, we still tend to see each other at the grocery store and we still wave to friends and neighbors – isn’t it great?